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You don't need a professional website to speak, but you need one to get PAID.


You don't need a demo video to speak, but you need one to get PAID.


You don't need a speaker packet to speak, but you need one to get PAID.


You don't need a book to speak, but you need one ... to get PAID well!


So what's it costing you not having any of these?  Likely thousands!                                                     I can help.

Unfortunately for most new speakers, they never even get in the door of consideration because they don't have what meeting planners and conference organizers need to book them.


Whether you're new or hungry to take it to the next level, you must have a professional website, demo video, marketing packet AND a book.


There's no debate about this. I've been speaking professionally for 20 years and have worked with hundreds of speaker bureaus, agencies, meeting planners and executives who book speakers.


Meeting planners who pay speakers $3,500 - $10,000 per speech will never even consider speakers who do not have a website and demo video, at minimum. 


If that's you, let me help. If you desire to be sought after and constantly PAID to $PEAK, let me help.


Perhaps you do have a website or a demo video, but they aren't professional speaker quality or they haven't been updated in the past 2 years. Since you'll be considered against numerous other speakers, in order to WIN the speaking contract, you need to have top notch, professional material representing and showcasing you.


Not only can I help you, but I can ensure your website, demo video, marketing packet and book are completed efficiently, professionally and more affordably than you shopping around on your own. 


Over the past several months I have been working with my designers, videographers and publishers that do my own work to create 3 different "One-Stop-Shop" packages that provide you with a speaker website, demo video, marketing packet and even a published book!


They have agreed to offer incredible rates only to the speakers I personally refer to them - i.e. you.



What's it costing you NOT having a professional website, demo video, marketing packet and book? 



Likely thousands ... each week! Not having this information is most certainly limiting your speaking engagements and holding you back from breaking through to the next level.


The reality is that meeting planners and conference organizers are looking for speakers on a daily basis, so it's costing you thousands each week. Your first major speaking engagement could pay for the entire speaker package I am providing for you!


Of course you'll need to make an investment of some sort and I've curated each of the 3 packages to align with different budgets and price points. I get it. When I first started speaking, all I had was $22 on a debit card.


If you're serious about getting PAID to $PEAK, then you need to expect to make some business investments.  


To even be considered by an executive or a conference planner, they would ask to see is your website and demo video. Within 15 seconds of reviewing your video and demo, they will have already made a decision to either (a) learn more about you OR (b) stop watching.


Unfortunately for most speakers, they never even get in the door of consideration because they don't have what meeting planners and conference organizers need to book them.


You don't need a professional website to speak, but you need one to get PAID.


You don't need a professional demo video to speak, but you need one to get PAID.


You don't need a speaker packet to speak, but you need one to get PAID.


You don't need a book to speak, but you need one ... to get PAID well!


Kevin Snyder Ultimate Speaker
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Here's How It Works - it's simple!


1.  Schedule a complimentary session with me to discuss options above as well as availability.  None of these options are One Size Fits All! There is a chance your package investment could be even less. We'll discuss your speaking goals, assess where you are currently at, and determine what you need to launch and grow.


Also, if you already have an item listed, then your package will be discounted.



      *  Payment plans can be arranged.

      *  Any investment you make in your business should also be considered a business expense, i.e business tax deduction. Consult your CPA or tax advisor for details.

      *  Due to time availability and scope of work, I only work with 5 clients at a time. We will likely need to schedule your projects weeks, if not months, out. So schedule your appointment with me ASAP.


Finally, all packages begin with coaching and project management sessions. I will not be passing the baton for you to my designers and videographers until you are ready and have the information ready for them to create your materials. I will be handling all the project management details for you which is why their fees are less than what they would charge other clients!

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TEDx Speaker Coaching

Learn how to apply, be selected and/or prepare for a TEDx speech that should change your life + speaking business!

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Speaker Mastermind

Connect with an incredible peer group of speakers throughout the month + LIVE Q&A with me directly + webinar each month



Over $20,000 in resources that I personally use in my own speaking business. Use samples and templates I've created!

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Speaking Professionally Toastmasters

Elevate and improve your in-person and virtual speaking presence and skill set with our unique club of speakers!

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Virtual Studio Coaching

Serious about speaking but don't have a virtual studio?  Let me help you create a budget-friendly studio that WOWs!

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