Talkadot and How I Use It in Every Speech!
How I earn 70% of my PAID engagements through Talkadot!

How to get FREE professional photos of you speaking? 🔥
How to get FREE professional photos of you speaking!

Lessons AFFIRMED from receiving a $7,500 speaking engagement 🔥
I recently shared some stinging lessons 'earned' from losing a $7,500 speaking engagement. I write posts like that to process myself...

How I just lost a $7,500 speaking engagement 🔥
How I just lost a $7,500 speaking engagement .... learn from my mistake!

Watch this keynote introduction! I control how I am introduced because it sets the energy tone for my speech opening!
What if you can ensure high energy, engagement, intrigue and laughter even before you start speaking? In regards to professional...

My #1 takeaway from the National Speakers Association Conference, Toastmasters International Convention, and More! 🔥
My #1 takeaway from the National Speakers Association Conference, Toastmasters International Convention, and More!

(I've done this 100+ times!) What to do when submitting Call for Speakers, Call for Programs and RFPs 🔥
First off, Call For Programs = Call for Speakers = Request For Proposals (RFPs). These are all the same. Sometimes these are PAID, and...

Tips on how to set speaking fee ... and how to know their speaker budget! 🔥
Module 4 in my PAID to $PEAK book and Online Course is all about knowing: When to charge? What to charge? How much to charge? If you're...

(FOR NEW & EMERGING SPEAKERS) If you are not speaking for FREE you are not going to get the FEE!
Especially for aspiring and new(er) speakers starting off in speaking ... "If you are not speaking for FREE, you are not going to get the...

Speaking at a conference? Here are some tips to ensure spin-off business and referrals follow! 🔥
Presenting breakout sessions at conferences is how I initially built and launched my speaking business. For these 10 reasons that I wrote...