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The best way to GROW your speaking business = Call for Programs!

The best way to START your speaking business is to first develop an outstanding presentation. The best way to GROW your speaking business is to present that program at conferences.

Submitting a Call for Programs is how you do just that. Let me show you how.

So how do you develop an outstanding presentation?

Recent blogs I wrote provide some tips:

Once you have an excellent presentation that you're confident is READY, only then should you AIM it toward your appropriate industry group. Then FIRE.

Most speakers FIRE, AIM, READY rather than get READY, AIM, FIRE. The result is a struggling speaking business that eventually becomes exhausting.

So let me help. I don't want you to quit. I want you to flourish because if you're reading this, I'm confident you have an important message to share.

If you're wondering whether you are ready, you're probably not. This is what my speaking mentor told me years ago and he was exactly right! When I asked him, "How do you know when you're ready?", he responded, "You'll know."

So if you're not confident about feeling ready, let me help. Reach out to me by December 1 for a FREE COACHING CALL. Click here to schedule. Calls are brief unless you want to schedule a full coaching session.

Speaking for free is the best way to gain experience and polish both your content and delivery skills. These recent blogs provide tips:

I spoke dozens and dozens of times before I ever collected a fee. In fact, first time I got PAID to SPEAK was because they asked me what my fee was!

There's no need to struggle like I did. Learn from my mistakes and lessons learned. And by the way ... I'm still learning. I'm constantly amazed at the speaking industry and how I'm always learning and refining my craft of running a speaking business.

If you know about my background, you know I started speaking to college students. After a few years of focusing solely in the college industry, I took a leap of faith and started speaking to professional groups within the employee training industry. After a few years of that, speaking requests had emerged from practically every industry and association out there -- healthcare, human resources, accounting, associations of all types, legal, military, education, financial, real estate, meeting planners, etc., etc..

Do colleges pay speakers?

Absolutely. You just need to know what they need and how to find speaking opportunities.

These recent blogs provide some tips:

If colleges are your market, or you want them to be, and specifically fraternity and sorority audiences, you need to be aware of upcoming deadlines for these college association conferences. This is how I first started speaking!

Click images below for access to Call for Programs.

Deadline date just passed for SEIFC, but Call for Programs is still active ... never assume. Instead, APPLY! Many times associations extend the Call for Programs. Also, make a note to apply for next year so you don't miss the deadline!

The deadline date for CCWL also just passed, but never assume. Instead, APPLY! Many times associations extend the Call for Programs. Make a note to apply for next year so you don't miss the deadline!

Presenting at these college association conferences above is how I grew my college speaking business. And the only way to speak at these conferences is to submit a Call for Programs.


Desire to become a professional speaker?

Not getting the speaking business you had hoped for?

In addition to my own speaking business, I have a passion for helping and coaching speakers develop their own. Whether it's in crafting a speech, identifying target groups who can pay, and/or how to get the speaking gig itself, I can help. I've keynoted over 1,150 presentations in practically every industry you can imagine. My book, PAID to SPEAK, outlines a proven model for speakers. If you are serious about becoming a professional speaker, contact me for a free consultation. I don't want you to flounder like I did and be frustrated. If you're not a subscriber to these speaker articles, submit your email today!


Social media: @ KevinCSnyder

* Download my free app (KevinCSnyder)

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