Ready to impact your audience for positive change, make a difference and some $$$ doing it?

Learn how to launch your speaking business
Develop your signature speech
Learn how to find organizations that pay
Understand what meeting planners need

When I started speaking, I struggled. I had no strategy an didn't ask for help. I floundered and nearly quit on numerous occasions. Knowing what I know now, and after speaking to over 1,000 audiences in all 50 states around the world, I would have done things much differently.
I wrote "PAID to $PEAK" to be a blueprint that outlines my proven process and strategy to launch and grow a speaking business. My book will be a roadmap to help you design your presentation, find the right audience, and learn what is required to find PAID speaking engagements! If you follow the steps in this book, you should have speaking gigs lined up by the time you finish reading it.
Below are some of my most popular coaching services beyond 1:1 coaching.
I'm happy to speak with you and explore which is the best fit to ensure you achieve your speaking goals. Click here to schedule.
Don't have a professional DEMO VIDEO, SPEAKER PACKET, WEBSITE OR BOOK? Let me help.
My Ultimate Speaker Package provides it all for you.