NOW is the time to prepare + 50 percent OFF speaker coaching resources through March 28
Many of you are understandably anxious about speaking and wondering if now is a good time to launch into professional speaking.
If you're assuming now is not a good time, then I believe you're wrong. The demand for speakers will soon be MASSIVE and there's no better time to prepare for that demand than NOW.
If you read my previous "Speaker Tips" blog post, click here, then you understand my rationale explaining why NOW is actually an ideal time - especially for emerging speakers starting off.Â
* I launched my speaking business amidst the Great Recession. When others were complaining about their boss, I became my own.
  * I wrote my first book while I was unemployed. All that "time" I complained about never having was no longer an excuse. That book became a best-seller.
The reality is that in times of crisis, like right now, we have the best opportunity to bring out the very best in ourselves and others.
Times like these are opportunities for us to showcase our expertise that others need.
Times like these push us to reinvent and adapt ... whether we want to or not.
Times like these are opportunities for us to reflect and get serious about what we want.
If we want something bad enough, then it's all about knowing what to do and creating an action plan to fill the gap and accomplish it.
If you've been dabbling in speaking but feel destined for more, then use this time to get strategic and productive. The world has abruptly slowed down a bit which means you likely have fewer distractions. Be proactive. No excuses.
Only the people who plant their garden NOW can expect fruit and vegetables in the summer. Are you ready to plant your own garden or are you going to keep going to the store and buying someone else's? (There's nothing like making a salad with your own vegetables!)
Look, the brutal truth you gotta realize is that if you didn't have PAID speaking engagements on the books before the coronavirus, then don't expect to have PAID speaking engagements after. Don't blame the virus. You likely are getting in your own way and have blind spots you don't even see.
When the speaker demand is MASSIVE, you'll be overlooked if you haven't prepared properly ... and that time is NOW.
The speaking business isn't easy and having a great speech is only a fraction of what it takes. But it's not rocket science either. Most speakers get in their own way constantly without even realizing it.
If you're serious about growing your speaking business, then you need to know what event organizers, executives, bureaus and meeting planners are looking for. Most often, they select the right speaker by ruling other speakers OUT! You will never be considered if you don't have the basic requirements.
Do you know what meeting planners and event organizers need to book speakers? Download my "Speaking Business Checklist" to compare how ready you will be once events start happening again.
Will you be ready? Don't expect a change if you're not making one. Don't blame the virus.
Do you know what meeting planners and event organizers need to book speakers?
Download my "Speaking Business Checklist" to compare how ready you will be once events start happening again.
Will you be ready? Don't expect a change in your speaking if you're not making one now.
My goal is to be a source of encouragement for you during this cray-cray time. My goal is also to help you build your speaking business at the $2,500+ per speech level starting out!
I work with emerging professional speakers in a variety of ways, depending on what they need and are looking for. Whether it's my 1:1 coaching helping you build your speaking business or resources like "The Vault" or my "Speaker Mastermind Group," I am passionate about your future success if you are.
Important: I do all my speaker coaching myself. I proudly do not have a "team" of coaches who aren't even professional speakers. Because I am the coach, I only work with a limited number of people at a time while also speaking myself.
In my 1:1 coaching I take you behind-the-scenes on handling inquiries I receive, prospect calls, preparation calls, and even onsite opportunities to see what everything is like. 99 PERCENT OF MY SPEAKING occurs behind-the-scenes. Wouldn't you like to know what that looks like so you can do the same?
This takes time for me though. However, this is why I'm scheduling all my 2020 speaker coaching clients NOW. If you want to have me as your 1:1 coach, guide and mentor sometime in 2020 or 2021 to launch into professional speaking, then we need to schedule you NOW. This is your opportunity to treat your speaking differently so you can have different results.
You can certainly try to do it on your own, but how has that been working for you, respectfully?
I stand behind my 1:1 coaching so much that if you don't have at least two PAID speaking engagements within 6 months after completing my PAID to $PEAK program, I provide a 100% refund. Period. No risk for you.Â
Here's what I'm doing for those of you who are serious about taking your speaking more seriously ... and are coachable:
This Thursday and Friday, March 26 and 27, I'm opening times on my calendar for complimentary 1:1 Strategy Sessions to answer questions and help you identify what your speaking business needs in order to be ready for the MASSIVE rebound that will soon occur in the speaking industry.
* For those of you I speak with, I'll be offering 50% discounts on ALL my speaker resources as well as limited discounts on my 1:1 speaker coaching programs. But I'm only offering these opportunities to people who are serious about their speaking business. I'm only making an investment in people who are passionately willing to make an investment in themselves.
Click here to schedule your 1:1 Strategy Session. If no times are available, send me a personal email at and we'll find a time that works for you.
No matter where you are in your speaking journey, NOW is the time to sow the right, strategic seeds so you can reap them later.
I'm here to help. Just reach out.
  To Your Speaking Success,
            ~ Kevin