SUMMARY: Get PAID to $PEAK in these 5 steps
PAID to $PEAK, outlines how I started my speaking journey while working full-time on college campuses.
The book also provides a roadmap for exactly what I did when I quit my full-time job to launch my speaking business 10+ years ago. It's my system and process for how I continue to run my speaking business today.
"We don't rise to the level of our goals until we rise up our process to achieve them."
I've organized PAID to $PEAK in 5 Modules that build upon each other step-by-step. To my knowledge, no other book about public speaking exists that actually walks you through an orderly process that is PROVEN to work!
PAID to $PEAK is available in any format you need - print, eBook, audiobook and my new Online Course. It also includes a private website where you can download samples of what I share throughout the book, Module worksheets AND a complimentary 30 minute coaching session with me after you complete the book. I'm an Educator at heart and honored that I can leverage what I know about professional speaking to help others at various levels.
My goal is to make the complex simple as it relates to helping you find PAID speaking engagements. See below:
Step 1: Know what type of speaker you want to be (Module 1)
There are many ways to speak and get PAID for speaking. And you can get PAID in different ways for each engagement! You just need to know the different types of speaker options and which you will pursue.
Step 2: Develop a proven presentation (Module 2)
What constitutes a presentation? A title, description, learning outcomes and bio gets you started. Most speakers don't have this. Work through PAID to $PEAK and you will!
You don't even need presentation slides. I know extraordinary speakers who just require a microphone. However, I recommend at least a few slides to provide visual stimulation and intrigue that align with your content. Slide design is fairly simple.
What do I mean by proven presentation? Well, a presentation that is ready and referable. Nothing else matters if you're speech needs work.
The speech is the product of any successful speaker and speaking business. The speaker is the messenger.
A great speech will ALWAYS be referred! My speaking calendar last year was 70% from referrals and people who had seen me speak in the past.
Having a great, proven presentation is the minimum requirement for any successful speaker. It's an expectation meeting planners, executives and conference organizers will have of you. PAID to $PEAK can help you not only get ready but be referable!
We started Speaking Professionally Toastmasters to help you get your speech developed, practiced and polished. If you do not have a community like this where you have the chance to practice and get professional feedback, you will be developing bad habits and blind spots in your speaking. Speaking Professionally Toastmasters meets the first Tuesday of each month from 12pm EST to 1:30pm EST. All members have the chance to speak AND it provides professional speaking resources as a huge member benefit. Visit
If you're out there speaking but not getting PAID speaking inquiries and referrals afterward, then your speech needs work, respectfully.
If you want to get out there speaking and wondering where to start, then begin with your speech by (a) working through PAID to $PEAK (Module 2) and attend Speaking Professionally Toastmasters.
*** If you plan to attend a future meeting, visit our website and reach out to us so we know to expect you and can filter away any Zoom bombers!
Step 3: Identify your target audience (Module 3) and learn how to qualify them
Most speakers get stuck here too because they think their audience is anyone. It's not.
Pick a lane. Start with one industry. Identify the premier association within that industry. I walk you through how to do this in Module 3 of PAID to $PEAK and I reveal three (3) criteria I look for to ensure that association has the ability to pay speakers.
Once you identify the target, then it's all about Ready, Aim, Fire! How do you make outreach? What do you say or write via email? Inside Module 3 I provide samples for you!
You also want to be set up on FREE platforms where speaking opportunities can find you without you doing a thing! I share several strategies with you in Module 3.
Step 4: Know when and what to charge (Module 4)
Do you have an established speaking fee? How do you know whether your audience can afford you? Are you charging enough? Do you have a speaking proposal that is professional? Is your proposal organized into 3 different options?
Module 4 inside PAID to $PEAK helps you determine your speaking fee.
Step 5: Have a system that glues everything together (Module 5)
The most important aspect of any successful business is having a system that runs itself ... at times even while you're sleeping. It's not just one thing; rather, it's several. The system is the "glue" that keeps it all together, feel organized, appear organized, and reveal professionalism.
"I'm an optimist and a realist. Most people do not rise to the level of their goals. They fall to the quality of their systems."
Throughout Module 5 I share numerous tips and strategies that are my glue. Module 5 is especially where my private website is valuable because you have access to these samples and resources as a reader of PAID to $PEAK!
If you've read this far, congratulations! Commitment and accountability are essential.
By outlining PAID to $PEAK in 5 steps, I sincerely hope I've made the seemingly complex a bit more simple for you!
If you have questions and want to set up a coaching call or set up a time to explore enrolling in my PAID to $PEAK coaching program where I guarantee $2,500 speaking engagements, click here.
Earn greatness today! Onward and upward!

Want to speak professionally, part-time or full-time?
Not getting PAID speaking engagements?
I've been honored to present for over 1,000,000 people through 1,150+ audiences in all 50 states and several countries. Whether I'm on a stage or in a training room with professionals or students, I absolutely LOVE motivating and inspiring people for higher performance. And in addition to my own speaking business, I have a passion for helping and coaching speakers learn how to catapult their speaking whether part-time or full-time. My book, PAID to SPEAK, outlines a proven model for speakers and is now an online course as well! Click here for online course info!
If you are serious about becoming a professional speaker, explore my coaching and mentorship options. I don't want you to flounder like I did and be frustrated.
