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How my last blog landed a $10,000 speaking engagement

Blogging is an excuse to build followers and and communicate with them. As speakers, blogging is a pivotal way followers will remember you when it matters most - when they need a speaker!

Blogging is also an excuse to build credibility in your field and be perceived as an expert - another reason you'll be hired for speaking engagements.

One of the comments I repeatedly remind speakers I work with is that meeting planners, conference organizers and executives don't need a speaker ... until they need a speaker! So whether it's 1 month, 6 months, 1 year or 3 years after someone has seen you speak, how will they remember you?

Don't expect anyone to remember you if you're not giving them reason to remember you. Build a following one subscriber at a time and stay in touch with them if you want to have a successful speaking business.

Writing a blog is an excellent way - an excuse even - to be memorable so when they need a speaker, or knows someone who does, they think of you.

Below is a screenshot of a speaking inquiry submitted on my website last week, 2 hours after I published a new short blog about an experience I had with Best Buy titled, "Attitude is everything..."

(2) Then see below and look inside the red squares

Don't have time to write?

Neither do I. So I make time because it's an integral part of my speaking business. Not only is it free "marketing," but it's always helpful for me to reflect and focus on my content. Usually when writing I have "aha" moments about my content that I would not have had otherwise.

Don't know what to write about?

Yes you do. In fact, you probably have too much to write about which clutters up what to write about. If you have a book, or future book in process, that's probably 100+ blogs. Your blogs could even lead to your book manuscript. It doesn't matter whether the book is actually published yet. If you have a presentation (whether keynote or breakout), that's probably 30+ blogs per program! You know what to write about. You just need to focus, place yourself in a calm environment during your optimum time of day and ... be still ... relax. Your fingers will start typing once you hit your zone.

Writing a blog once a month is easy, free, and STRATEGIC for your speaking business. The speakers who do NOT write blogs miss out on opportunities to connect and engage with their followers and future followers.

Speakers should also write in order to build a following. You can't build a following of raving fans if you're not sharing content that gets them excited.

The person who reached out to me (above) with the $10,000 speaking engagement was not a subscriber to my email newsletter. They were connected with me on LinkedIn and saw a post I made on LinkedIn about my new blog.

Regardless of where you are in your speaking, if you're serious about building your speaking business then you need to be writing a blog at least once per month.

For those of you serious about speaking, below are a few action items I recommend:

(1) Plan ahead to blog once a month

(2) Determine where you will host your blog and how you will send it out (Mailchimp, Constant Contact, etc.)

(3) Make an outline of all your ideas to write about. These ideas should also be part of your Speaker Notebook where you compile and organize all your content. This is why blogging is also helpful for speaking. You should constantly be building and adding to your content.

(4) Block out 2-3 hours per blog. Expect hundreds of people to read it (note: most will not comment ... but they'll see it)

** Of course you need a system of building your subscriber base by collecting emails. I use my website to do this by offering a FREE download of my book, "Think Differently to Achieve Success." It's an eBook and doesn't cost me a penny. It's an excuse to generate traffic to my website.

I recorded a video for you showing how I do this. In the video, I had over 100 new subscribers who subscribed to my blog DURING my presentation. They wanted their free book. I wanted their email and permission to "keep in touch" with them. Click here to watch that video.

You don't need a website to blog ... but it certainly helps. Building a website allows you to host your blog and for folks to reach out to you for speaking. Click here to see the inquiry page on my website ... it's simple and I'd encourage you to model after it. #Welcome.

To your speaking success,

~ Kevin

P.S. Ready to launch or grow your speaking business at the $2,500, $3,500+ level per speech? I'd love to chat with you if you're serious about becoming a professional speaker. Click here to schedule a complimentary 1:1 strategy session with me to explore how I can help you. In 30 minutes, we'll talk about your speaking goals and I'll outline a few tips for you.

The real question is, are you happy with your speaking? If you feel destined for more like I did when I first started speaking, then all you might need is a system to follow that works. I'm here to help. Reach out.


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