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How to get FREE professional photos of you speaking? 🔥

The question might seem challenging but the answers are extremely simple!

Question:  How to get FREE professional photos of you speaking?

Answer 1:  You SPEAK! Invite a friend/partner/spouse/child to take pictures. (i.e. my "wife" is also my assistant when I travel to destination cities, so her trip is paid for and it's also a mini-vacay!)

Note: if you're unclear on how to find speaking engagements (whether PAID or not), then check out my book, "PAID to $PEAK!" My book is your blueprint and roadmap.

Answer 2:  You set up your camera on a simple tripod and start recording video. Then you take screenshots from the video! See samples below. (note: this is the same way you get FREE video too!)

Answer 3:  You ask the photographer already hired for the event to share their pictures with you.   

          (see my request below .. it's really this simple folks!)

** You can also hire your own photographer but that would likely be minimum $150-250+ and no guarantee they are any good.  Plus the additional time to find these people in various cities and qualify whether they are any good takes time outside of your own presentation preparation. I've hired photographers numerous times in various cities across the country and most were horrible!! One of them actually sat in their seat the entire time. From my experience, photographers hired by the event planners are already vetted and know how to capture photo (and video!).

* So here's my advice to you to get FREE professional photos of you speaking ...

(1) SPEAK!!

(See end of Module 2 for how to find local speaking opportunities in your areas. Module 3 is all about how to find PAID speaking engagements where they are seeking speakers! Either way, these are opportunities for you to SPEAK and get photos and video)

(2) Ask the meeting planner whether they are having their event photographed or video'd. They will tell you.  Sometimes by asking them the question you will give them the idea to hire a photographer or videographer :)

I saw the videographer for my recent event during the sound check BEFORE I presented my keynote. After the check, I approached the videographer and introduced myself as the keynote speaker. I told them I would be a "walker" in and out of the audience.  She smiled  ;) 

After the keynote there was a reception where I found the photographer and spoke with her again. 

(see my follow up email to them below)

My inquiry to receive the professional photos ...

On Tuesday at 11:12 AM Kevin Snyder <> wrote:

Hi Michele!

Great seeing you at the SHRM conference event last week.  I was the keynote speaker and we spoke briefly during the Thursday evening reception.

I visited your website and quite impressive!!  I'm in South Carolina/coast often so for my next event I would definitely love to hire you.  I'll stay in touch. Can you also video?  Or do you have a local videographer recommended that could come onsite and capture one of my speeches with 2-3 cameras?

You mentioned taking pictures during my Opening Keynote.  By chance would you be willing to share those somehow via GoogleDrive, Dropbox, etc.?  I'd be very appreciative!  

Thank you and I will stay in touch!!

~ Kevin

Photographer's response the next day ...

From: Michele Coleman

Date: Wednesday at 8:12 PM

Subject: Re: Pictures from last week's event at Grande Dunes!

To: Kevin Snyder <>

Hi Kevin,

I am so glad you reached out! The gallery from the SHRM event is here:

Feel free to download all the pictures you want, they said it was ok. 

And I hope you will reach out when you are back in my area.



Below are the professional photos from Michele. Interestingly, compare those to the photos from my own iPhone (underneath) which were video screenshots!

Below are the UN-professional photos from my own iPhone which were screenshots from the video. I simply had my camera recording video on a tripod! As I hope you'll see, I can use these just as nicely :)

Hope this helps (and reminds) you how get future photos of you speaking because photos and videos of speakers 'speaking' is paramount for a successful (and constant) speaking business!  Photos and videos are our social proof as speakers! 

Always collect photos and videos each and every speech!

I hope these lessons serve as valuable insights for your speaking career. For more practical advice on building a successful speaking business, check out my book, PAID to $PEAK.

My book is packed with real-life examples and actionable strategies and templates for securing paid speaking engagements. Available on Amazon here.

Additionally, I offer a complimentary coaching call for readers who commit to finishing the book!  Details are inside the book.

Earn greatness today! Onward and upward!


Want to speak professionally, part-time or full-time?

Not getting PAID speaking engagements?

I've been honored to present for over 1,000,000 people through 1,150+ audiences in all 50 states and several countries. Whether I'm on a stage or in a training room with professionals or students, I absolutely LOVE motivating and inspiring people for higher performance. And in addition to my own speaking business, I have a passion for helping and coaching speakers learn how to catapult their speaking whether part-time or full-time. My book, PAID to SPEAK, outlines a proven model for speakers and is now an online course as well! Click here for online course info!

If you are serious about becoming a professional speaker, explore my coaching and mentorship options. I don't want you to flounder like I did and be frustrated.


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