PAID to $PEAK Group Coaching Program Announcement! [Must Apply By Deadline]
Application Deadline is Monday, April 6 at 11:59pm!
Growing a speaking business requires time and an extraordinary amount of effort to even have a shot at breaking through.
Building a speaking business is no different than planting a garden. You need the right soil, the right seeds, sunlight, water, patience, and time to pull weeds before you can harvest any fruit or vegetables.
The reality is most speakers struggle when doing it on their own and end up quitting before they even really get started.
I nearly quit when I first started speaking. If you have my revised 2020 edition of PAID to $PEAK, then you have access to an updated Preface where I transparently reveal how difficult it was for me at the very beginning:
I started my full-time speaking during the Great Recession,
I was so broke I once didn’t have gas money to drive home after a speaking gig,
I pulled money out of my 401K to invest in coaching, twice,
I doubted myself constantly (still do sometimes)
… etc.!
Looking back at the beginning of my professional speaking career, there are times I’m surprised I persevered. Although I was on thin ice financially, I didn’t let adversity beat me. My passion, grit and belief in myself was greater than the adversity I faced. My coaches were tremendously helpful as well. In fact, I should really credit my coaches Mike and Kirk who both guided me to find PAID engagements and provided me with encouragement that kept me from quitting.
In a way, I’m glad I experienced extraordinary struggles because through them I found amazing strength, clarity, and I discovered a process for my speaking business. I had to work through the rubble to find the ring.
Sharing with you what I share to my audiences …my #1 recommendation to anyone who wants to be successful at anything in life is to find someone who is already doing it. Speak with them. Study them. Ask them to mentor you. Do what they’ve done.

But you have to know what they did in order to do what they’ve done. You must learn the process to replicate their success. You must know their strategy that worked. You must have clear goals. You must have someone to help hold you accountable. You have to want it … bad. Sometimes so bad that you'll do "crazy" things to accomplish it. Steve Jobs says, "the crazy people are those who change the world."
Unless you’re an angel in the medical field or a first responder, you likely are working from home or trying to find work right now. This means you might have some extra time on your hands for the next 2-3 months. Or at least have fewer distractions possibly.
I'm using my "extra" time to refresh my website (already done!), work on a new demo video (95% done!), write a dozen blogs and schedule them automatically bi-weekly (done!), research content for a new keynote (in process), finally finish writing that new book (done!), AND expand my time for speaker coaching to help speakers like you build and/or grow their speaking businesses!
100% of my March, April and May bookings have NOT been canceled – instead they've been postponed and many have already been tentatively rescheduled this Fall.
To help serious speakers use the next 2-3 months very wisely to build their speaking business and be ready for PAID speaking engagements this Fall, I am thrilled to announce my PAID to $PEAK Group Coaching Program! It’s a 5-week program guiding a small cohort of serious speakers through my PAID to $PEAK process to earn PAID speaking engagements.
In this group program, I have integrated group coaching sessions in addition to 1:1 coaching sessions with me directly. The outcome of this program is that you will know exactly where to start and how to finish preparing your speaking business for the MASSIVE Fall rebound in the speaking industry. You’ll be clear on what is required to earn $2,500+ per speech if not far more. Once you start making $1,000 - $2,500 consistently, I'll show you how to raise your fees to the $5,000 and $10,000 levels. You’ll have my help and accountability to get this done!
In just 5 weeks, as a member of my Group Coaching Program you will know how to create and run a speaking business. But as I say to my audiences, "it’s not what you know, it’s what you apply!"
I am so confident that if you follow my PAID to $PEAK process and complete the coaching program, you will have at least two PAID speaking engagements within six months. Just one engagement should pay for the program! If not, I will refund your entire coaching program. I stand behind my process and program. The only reason you won't have this success is if you choose not to do the work. This is my promise to you.
Folks, to me there is no uncertainty around the present reality that the speaking industry will rebound and explode once we’re through this crisis.
The rebound is coming … if you’re not ready now but are truly serious about your speaking business, then it makes sense to get ready. Time is of the essence and I’m offering my help.
Benefits of my PAID to $PEAK Group Coaching Program:
5 group coaching sessions held weekly by me (using Zoom, 1st cohort begins April 13 & 2nd cohort on May 11)
Each weekly session I guide you through my PAID to $PEAK process and answer your questions
Members are truly serious speakers who apply and meet criteria
Partner matching option for collaboration and accountability support
Receive a complimentary Speaker Assessment where I review all your current material and provide an assessment for you with recommendations
Option to add 5 additional 1:1 coaching sessions with me to review your material, provide weekly feedback, and answer your questions privately.
… and much more!!
Two Group Coaching Program cohorts being offered: (you select one)
Group 1: Begins April 13 and ends May 11
Group 2: Begins May 11 and ends June 8
Group Coaching Program Investment:
Option 1: Group coaching sessions only - $2,500 / $1,750
Option 2: Option 1 PLUS FIVE 1:1 sessions with me - $3,500/ $2,750
These prices above are special introductory offers and only good through Monday, April 6 at 11:59pm. You must apply to be considered.
Not everyone is a fit for this program.
(a) After completing the application, (b) send your application to by April 6 at 11:59pm to be eligible for the discount offer. Include any questions you have for me in your email. (c) After my review, I’ll send you a special link for us to set up an Intake Call to prepare you for our first group session the week of April 13th!
Don’t consider coaching as an “expense.” That’s poor, scarcity mentality. Consider a rich, abundant mentality viewing coaching as an “investment” that has potential to produce $2,500+ ROI for each speech starting out! Plus, you’ll have a lifetime of knowledge and my help to further grow.
If you have questions or would like to speak with me to explore other coaching options, click here to schedule a call with me. I've opened up my calendar this Saturday AND Sunday for limited appointments.
Below are options and current discounts I am offering through Monday, April 6th at 11:59pm.
* 1:1 Coaching Program (10-week option): $19,110($9,555)
* 1:1 Coaching Program (5-week option): $7,500($3,750)
* Group Coaching Program (5-week): $3,500($1,750)
* "The Vault": $497($249)
* Speaker Mastermind Group: $997($499)
* 3-hour coaching bundle: $499(249)
No matter where you are in your speaking journey, NOW is the time to sow the right, strategic seeds so you can reap them later.
I'm here to help. Just reach out.
To Your Speaking Success,
~ Kevin