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EASY lead generation strategy to earn PAID speaking engagement!

I have two different groups I write and send messages like this to:

  1. you (my PAID to $PEAK community)

  2. my leadership list from (my professional speaking leadership audience)

My leadership list (#2 above) is how I stay in touch with my past, current and future audiences as well as those specific people who have hired me, and will hire me again, to speak!

Anyone can visit my website during my presentations (or afterward) and subscribe to receive a complimentary copy of my book, Think Differently.

Yes, I give my book away to get their email. It's a digital version that doesn't cost me a penny. And I sell thousands each year in print book sales because people who download my digital book then visit my Amazon page to buy the print version!

What some people assume is very complex, and therefore make it so, I strive to keep things simple ... and then share with you what works.

That's why I write these "Speaker Tips" messages FOR you. #YouAreWelcome ;)

I share countless more tips and examples throughout my book and PAID to $PEAK Online Course.

Your Call to Action #1:

  1. Visit and opt-in on the pop-up just so you can see my process for how I build my lists. If you copy what I do, please just make it your own.

I actually encourage you to benchmark my process so you don't have to re-create the wheel.

My list creates extremely valuable lead generation. And it doesn't cost me a penny.

Beyond lead generation, it's also a great reminder to folks who have not booked me "yet" and also past clients who might book me to speak again!

Remember, "they" don't need a speaker until .... they need a speaker!

"They" could be the meeting planner, the association executive, the speakers bureau, the Director ... you just never know who is in need and who is hiring. So many different types of people and positions can book a speaker.

So how are you staying on top of mind? Or are you?

How are you staying in touch with prospective audiences? Or are you?

Your Call to Actions #2-5:

2. If you are just starting out in speaking and do not have a website yet, it's time to work on it. I can help you get organized in a way so that while you are working on your speech, you are also working on your website, your book and your Speaker Packet. So much of this information can be repurposed so that you can work on it simultaneously rather than separately.

If you are completely unsure or unclear how to start the website process, simply ask for help. Do NOT try and start this process on your own. You will literally waste so much time and $$$ and the end product will suffer if you even get there most likely. I've made this mistake and watched many people do the same going cheap or "through a friend." Most actually end up quitting due to frustration. Then they complain it's too tough and complicated. It's not my feasy-lead-generation-strategy-to-earn-paid-speaking-engagementriends! Solution: ask for help! (see below for a link to reach me.)

3. If you have a website but it needs to be updated, work on it. (even my site needs a refresh and I am working on it! One of my March projects.)

4. If you already have a website but it does not have a pop-up opt-in, make one. (every site has this function)

5. If you already have a pop-up opt-in but you don't offer something for free, reflect on what you can offer people to incentivize them to subscribe to you. Remember, give to get! This is where a book can be your speaking launchpoint. I highly recommend a book and I have a referral program to Write Way Publishing who handles ALL my book editing and publishing.

So let me know how I can help.

Your future speaking business will be impacted by what you do next ...

If you are just starting out in speaking or are new(er), it's essential you have a support guide (i.e. coach) who can help you along the way, show the path, answer questions and provide resources for you. If you want this bad enough, don't quit. Ask for help!

How are you staying on top of mind? Or are you? How are you staying in touch with prospective audiences? Or are you?

Earn greatness today! Onward and upward!


Want to speak professionally, part-time or full-time?

Not getting PAID speaking engagements?

I've been honored to present for over 1,000,000 people through 1,150+ audiences in all 50 states and several countries. Whether I'm on a stage or in a training room with professionals or students, I absolutely LOVE motivating and inspiring people for higher performance. And in addition to my own speaking business, I have a passion for helping and coaching speakers learn how to catapult their speaking whether part-time or full-time. My book, PAID to SPEAK, outlines a proven model for speakers and is now an online course as well! Click here for online course info!

If you are serious about becoming a professional speaker, explore my coaching and mentorship options. I don't want you to flounder like I did and be frustrated.


Other PAID to SPEAK blog posts ... 
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