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[Video] Ready to Take Your Speaking to Next Level?

If your dream of professional speaking is greater than any adversity you face, you WILL be successful!

Over the next few months, the speaker field is going to be weeded out, respectfully.

A lot of speakers won't make it because they didn't shift and adapt to a new virtual world. Or they disguised their Zoom presentation as a virtual keynote and it didn't work out too well. Or they just stopped moving their business forward.

Although they'll blame the virus and the economy, the reality is that they just didn't adjust the right way.

For speakers who are passionate about growing a speaking business despite adversity and uncertainty. NOW is actually an ideal time to get your speaking business set up properly. My short video below explains why.

When I went-full time into speaking, it was admist the Great Recession. I had a comfortable day job as a Dean of Students at High Point University, respectfully. Leaving that job was scary, but I pushed through the fear ... I'm so glad I did.

When I wrote my first book, I was unemployed and collecting unemployment. I finally had that "time" I always complained about never having. One week after sending the manuscript to my publisher, I was offered a position for a job I never even applied for.

If you desire to get into speaking, this is your moment to make a decision to move forward. Virtual is here to stay regardless of when onsite events return. Even then, knowing how to launch a speaking business properly, you'll be set up to succeed and find PAID speaking engagements.

Don't listen to that inside voice telling you to just play it safe and keep that day job working for someone else.

Assuming you watched my video above, click here for more information about my Group Speaker Coaching Program that starts June 8. Applications are required and the deadline date is June 3.

If you missed the deadline, inquire with me about late admission or future group coaching cohorts.

I'm considering offering another group cohort this September. However, September will be too late for most Fall PAID speaking opportunities. Waiting until September might also be too late for Spring 2021 PAID speaking opportunities if you don't plant seeds now.

I'm here to help you launch your speaking business. Finding PAID speaking engagements requires strategy and a proven process that works.

My group coaching program has a starting price point at just $349 which includes 5 sessions walking you through my 5-module process.

My goal is for you to learn how to make $3500 per speech!

Let me know how I can help and support you. If your dream of professional speaking is greater than any adversity you face, you WILL be successful!


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