One of the best ways to build your contact list for speaking leads ...
Having, and continually building upon, a contact list is one reason why my speaking business has constantly grown and been successful.
Most speakers don't have a contact list ... which is why the struggle.
When utilized correctly, a contact list allows you to stay in touch with those people who have seen you speak, are interested in having you speak, or you hope will hire you to speak!
Rarely does someone need a speaker immediately when they see you. However, what about 3 months later? 6 months later? 2 years later?
Most of my gig inquiries come 2-3 months after I speak because I have a system to stay in touch.
Successful speakers stay in touch with their current audience ... AND with their future audience!
So the 2 questions to think about are:
(1) How do I build my contact list?
(2) What do I do with my list?
Below is 1/4 of screenshot emails I received last week WHILE I WAS STILL ON STAGE SPEAKING ...

To build your list, you need to have an opt-in system on your website. When people opt-in on your website, they automatically are added to your "list."
You can also set it up so that you receive an email every time someone subscribes. (See above)
I prefer to see an email confirmation from my subscribers, because, like last week, it shows me I'm doing something right on stage! True or true?
If you don't have a website, then be aware you're sabotaging your speaking business. Contact me for an incredible website company I'd recommend.
If you don't have an opt-in system on your website, then ... be aware you're sabotaging your speaking business! Contact me for an incredible website company I'd recommend.
Visit my website,, to see how I facilitate the opt-in process.
The site you're currently on,, has it's own opt-in as well.
Don't complicate the game! Build your list! Then communicate to your list.
To build your list, you'll need to "give to get." So if you have an eBook, an article, a "deal," etc. ... just know that people will likely not give you their email unless they are getting something free.
Don't take it personal ... you're likely the same way. I know I am! :)
You're on my PAID to SPEAK email and you haven't paid a dime to me ... see how this works?
But when you need someone to help you build your speaking business, to help you get ready for an upcoming keynote, to help you handle an inquiry, to help you get started, etc., etc., ... who might you reach out to?
Well, I hope me! I know I can help you and you know it too, because you're been a loyal subscriber and have gotten value from my the content I've provided through my email newsletter. You know I can help you put an EXTRA ZERO behind your next speaking gig.
So if you don't have a system to build your list ... let this be your notice! Contact me to take your speaking to the next level. The proof is in my screenshot above!
"Without a contact list, you won't exist!"
~ Kevin Snyder

Desire to become a professional speaker?
Not getting the speaking business you had hoped for?
In addition to my own speaking business, I have a passion for helping and coaching speakers develop their own. Whether it's in crafting a speech, identifying target groups who can pay, and/or how to get the speaking gig itself, I can help. I've keynoted over 1,150 presentations in practically every industry you can imagine. My book, PAID to SPEAK, outlines a proven model for speakers. If you are serious about becoming a professional speaker, contact me for a free consultation. I don't want you to flounder like I did and be frustrated. If you're not a subscriber to these speaker articles, submit your email today!
Social media: @ KevinCSnyder
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