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College vs Corporate: FREE DOWNLOAD of my Speech Preparation Checklist

I have a virtual college keynote for Washington State University this Sunday evening to 500 first-year college students. On Thursday morning, I have a virtual corporate client keynote to 250 professionals. Two completely different audiences and I'm preparing for them both exactly the same way.

Let me repeat ... "two completely different audiences and I'm preparing for them both exactly the same way."

Friends, whether you are preparing for a college speaking engagement or a corporate gig, for a FREE speech or a FEE speech, for a church group or a group of executives, you must have a process for your speech preparation.

Envision having one process for all your speeches. Below I'm sharing my "Speech Preparation Checklist" that has helped my speaking business tremendously.

Speech preparation is a P-R-O-C-E-S-S ... and most speakers who struggle or want more PAID engagements either ignore it thinking it doesn't matter, respectfully, or they just don't know how to prepare properly. Let me help folks!

The far majority of my speech confidence, engaging delivery, relevance, value and overall success onsite relies on one word ... preparation.

The far majority of my PAID speaking inquiries and engagements comes from three words ... previous speech preparation.

After 20 years of speaking and full-time speaking the past decade, it's crystal clear to me now that the sine qua non to wow my audience and create spin-off business for additional, future PAID speaking opportunities is how I prepare that speech.

If I don't prepare well, my future speaking business will suffer.

This is why I created my "Speech Preparation Checklist," to have a streamlined process that I follow for every speech to ensure I bring my best and ensure I treat my business seriously.

I initially created this checklist for my own business with no intent of just giving it away.

When I wrote PAID to $PEAK and started coaching speakers, I decided to share it as a guide to help those I work with.

When I created The Vault, I included this checklist resource.

Now I'm giving it away to you ... for FREE.

A speaker never just shows up for a speech ... well, actually some do and it shows! yes? And that's exactly the same reason they never will get booked again because it's obvious they did not prepare.

So let me clarify ... a GREAT, professional speaker who has a business in speaking never just shows up for a speech.

Understand the difference?

Treat anything like a hobby and you'll get hobby results. Treat it like a business and you'll get business results.

If a speaker looks like they just showed up for a speech, it better be because they are so da*m*n polished and suave.

And the reason great speakers make it look easy is because they’ve prepared correctly. Period.

Experience does not matter if the speaker didn't prepare properly. I've seen Hall of Fame speakers bomb on stage and recently in virtual.

Reputation does not matter if the speaker didn't prepare properly. I've watched $50,000+ speakers underdeliver because they relied on their reputation - I mean ego.

Age does not matter if the speaker didn't prepare properly. I've witnessed 18 year young students crush a speech better than a 4-star Admiral they were introducing.

Grey hair doesn't matter, websites don't matter, marketing doesn't matter ... you get the point. What matters is the speaker having a great speech.

Great speeches result from proper preparation.

The audience doesn't care about a speaker's experience, reputation or age either. What they care about is finding value in the time they are investing to listen to that speaker.

Value is delivered by the speaker because they've prepared correctly.

Preparation is superior to experience.

This means, if you're new to speaking, you are not at a disadvantage. You actually have an advantage if you follow my "Speech Preparation Checklist" properly.

The more experience you have, the more bad habits you might need to break. So if you're brand new into speaking or are an emerging speaker, you have an advantage ... as long as you are willing to learn, are coachable, and you follow a process.

Let's be clear, if you've ever watched a great speaker, they prepared correctly.

If you've ever watched a not-so-great speaker, then they didn't prepare correctly, if at all.

Professional speakers, that is speakers who constantly have PAID speaking engagements, know how to prepare professionally for speeches - whether those are free, fee, college, corporate and any and all in between.

Also, how you properly prepare for an upcoming speech ensures you maximize your speaking fee and earn spin-off speaking business ... this is what consistently getting PAID to $PEAK is all about.

My "Speech Preparation Checklist" outlines the steps I take to prepare for a professional speech, what I do the day of, and how I follow up afterward with attendees and the meeting planner.

95% of the time and energy I invest in a speech occurs before and after the speech – not during it.

Now that you have my "Speech Preparation Checklist," how can I really help you?

There will be items in the checklist that you might not understand - like my "Speaker Storyboard" or my "Questionnaire."

I recommend you get a copy of PAID to $PEAK so you have access to these resources. All readers of the book have a special download link for these resources ... an many more.

Readers of my PAID to $PEAK also receive a complimentary Strategy Session 1:1 with me within 30 days of purchasing the book --- that's $250 in value for investing $14.99 in a book that will guide you to launching a successful speaking business.

If you'd like to schedule a complimentary Strategy Session (click here to schedule) to talk about your speaking aspirations and how I can help you get there ... and much more quickly, efficiently, and affordably.

Whether you want to speak to college students, professional groups, become a TEDx speaker, write a book, I'm a resource at your fingertips.


Desire to become a professional speaker?

Not getting PAID speaking business?

Contact me for a complimentary Strategy Session to explore which of my programs fits your goals.

In addition to my own speaking business, I have a passion for helping and coaching speakers develop their own. Whether it's in crafting a speech, identifying target groups who can pay, and/or how to get the speaking gig itself, I can help. I've keynoted over 1,150 presentations in practically every industry you can imagine. My book, PAID to SPEAK, outlines a proven model for speakers. If you are serious about becoming a professional speaker, contact me for a free consultation. I don't want you to flounder like I did and be frustrated. If you're not a subscriber to these speaker articles, submit your email today!



Social media: @ KevinCSnyder

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